The Wild Hair Experience

"Live for the Experience"

Wild Hair Experience

Wind Through Your Hair

A "wild hair experience" is a unique haircut that takes place in nature, away from traditional salon environments. It involves getting your hair cut or styled amidst the open air, often in a picturesque setting such as a forest, beach, or mountain landscape. This experience provides a sense of freedom, connection to nature, and renewal. It can serve as a refreshing way to experience self-care and to feel a deeper bond with the surroundings while transforming your appearance.

"Creating beatiful hair at incredible places around the world"

Wild Hair on Tour

Around Coffee | 20 april, Eindhoven
Avani Retreat | 22 t/m 25 april, Den Bosch
Kallumaan | 29 april t/m 5 mei, Kraggenburg
Kallumaan | 17 t/m 20 mei, Kraggenburg
Aliveness Festival | 27 t/m 30 mei, Nederland
Oerol Festival | 9 t/m 14 juni, Terschelling
Camping de Lakens | 21 t/m 13 juni, Bloemendaal aan Zee
Wilde Weide | 5 t/m 7 juli, Kraggenburg
Ecstatic Dance Festival | 9 t/m 16 juli, Nederland
Kallumaan | 19 t/m 28 juli, Kraggenburg
Medicine Festival | 14 t/m 18 augustus, Engeland
Kallumaan| 20 t/m 27 augustus, Kraggenburg
Het Grote Fijne | 28 aug t/m 1 sept, Nederland
Voodoo Village | 7 t/m 8 sept, Grimbergen

Wild Hair on Tour
Wild Hair Experience


A Wild Hair Experience €120
The Tranformational Package €190
Ceremonial Hair €90
Natural Hair €60

Book yours


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